Monday 8 October 2007

“It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.”

Were it not for my holiday to Canada soon, surely I would have nothing to talk about. I am so dull, or rather my life is! but hey! enough wallowing!
I was so grateful to get away from work today! Sometimes you can sense a bad shift in the air (and of course all the admissions, complaining relatives and unhappy staff were a bit of a giveaway too). I was more than happy to run out on a sinking ship this evening, ain't I a stinker? Goodbye unlucky colleagues - alas I will soon be that unlucky colleague, what goes around comes around eh?
My sickness interview is tomorrow, and whilst part of me knows it is just a formality, the uptight insecure part of me (ie 90%) is terrified!!!
I went to work with a nagging feeling today, when I got there it came to me! - I'd left the iron on! Oh domestic calamity! Luckily I was allowed to run straight home , I had indeed left it on - See I'm an idiot too!

Hey ! Tomorrow I have been with lastfm for a whole year! Where does the time go eh? When I was young it was all fields around here.............

“The skillful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.” - Sun Tzu

How come these daily Shirley Manson pictures, never get me a google alert?


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your sickness interview will just be a formality, ours usually are. Its just so we can prove that we've documented everything should the individual's sickness levels become a real problem.

Its often just so the real sick notes cant argue that they're being treated any diffrently to anyone else.

Most managers know exactly who is playing the sick card.

If your sickness levels are genuine and they arent likely to continue at an increasing level so that they cause problems to the rest of the staff you shouldnt need to worry.

Anonymous said...

Oops just seen the date, which means the interview was today ...hope it went well