Tuesday 2 December 2008

"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt"
- Mark Twain

"The tragedy of *your* time, my young friends, is that you may get exactly what you want"

Luckily things don't seem so bad when the heating's on, and the rain has stopped. I fear for my (mental) health.
Oh a glass of wine helped also. Speaking of which I just watched The Monkees "Head" on DVD for the first time in a long while. I've never experienced drugs, other than alcohol, but I can imagine this film is the perfect accompaniment. I love this film, but I've only ever seen it by myself. with (the wrong) company, I can imagine it would be cringe inducing (it is very much a product of it's times). It feels very much like a dream, unconnected scenes that in their own context seem to fit together perfectly, until you analyse them later, what am I talking about? I also finally started watching the TV show on DVD, and although not the laugh fest I remember from my own childhood (they were repeats cheeky) they are a lot of fun, but very firmly a marketing tool. Unlike the film, which seems very much like an attempt to self destruct the 'bubblegum' image. Semi interesting tangent over, back to our regular programmes.

Another awful day at work. Specifics really aren't that interesting. However my job recently seems to be fitting an (almost) infinite amount of patients, into a most definitely finite number of beds, add to that paperwork and cleaning and the remaining amount of actual patient care is minuscule.

One of my Colleagues today handed in her notice, as she is relocating in January to Canada. I looked like this... (imagine strange fat face) when she told me - ho hum.

My nemesis, Mr Roof, returns tomorrow, I do hope it's for the last time!

I'm so miserable, I'm off for a very late bath....

"Total abstinence is so excellent a thing that it cannot be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from total abstinence itself." - Mark Twain

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