Wednesday 17 December 2008

"To make a bad day worse, spend it wishing for the impossible."

"I'm going down town where there's people
The loneliness hangs in the air.
With no-one there real waiting for me,

No smile, no flower nowhere."

The Christmas night out was a total dud.
The food was awful, and I actually left the room whilst the "entertainment" was on. I wasn't willing to pay £14 for a bottle of very poor wine either. I didn't even get much dancing done.
At the end of the night (around midnight) one of colleagues to a tumble down some stairs (due to heels rather than drink I assure you, the shoe was left behind on the stair , Cinderella style). So I accompanied her to A&E (I told her that she should wait 'til morning, but no one listens to me). Sure enough they told her to go home and visit the walk in centre next morning. There was a sudden hailstorm, so we went and visited our Ward for a while, goodness it looked busy. apparently earlier in the day there had been two simultaneous cardiac arrests, let me say that one is unusual , two is unheard of.
Anyway I only live 10 minutes walk from the Hospital as you know, and the streets were thankfully deserted, as I was wearing a dinner jacket, and had opted for a 'brylcreemed' hair-do, and the local yobs are very unforgiving in the fashion stakes.

Another Nurse on my Ward is off to Canada (that's two with a possible third soon), again due to my previous raving about the Country. Good luck to them both!

Calvin: "The only skills I have the patience to learn are those that have no real application in life"

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