Monday 15 December 2008

"Reality continues to ruin my life"
- Bill Watterson

"About as low as I felt in a long time
And I know that I did a wrong at the wrong time"

Two days further in and my 'man' cold is sadly no better. Thankfully, now I'm off and can recover relatively worry free.
The past two days are a bit floaty vague, thank goodness work was quiet. Much mucus and aching has gone on, but not much moaning, that's only really useful with company, moaning to ones self is a cardinal sign of madness I think.

I don't feel in the slightest bit Christmassy. I think I've discussed this before, but the only bit of pleasure I get out of Christmas is giving Billie presents and remembering (vaguely) how wonderful it all used to seem.
I'm not bothering with any decorations this year. I'm at work on all the important days, and it's now likely Billie won't even be over on Christmas day.

It's the Christmas night out the day after tomorrow, and to absolutely honest I'm not even vaguely interested. It used to be a highlight of my year, but the sense of belonging at work has long since evaporated. People have moved on, a new regime enforces with a boot of iron, and the fun that was has long since slipped between our increasingly time ravaged fingers. Oh I'm a little ray of sunshine ain't I? I suppose this is just surrogate moaning for being the slightest bit poorly.

(I've almost finished watching Firefly again. Why was it ever cancelled?)

“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.” - Bill Watterson

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