Saturday 29 November 2008

“The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms”
- Kurt Vonnegut

"I thought love was only true in fairy tales,
Meant for someone else but not for me."

More blah blah.
I feel really strange* today. The last couple of weeks have , to repeat a cliche, been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me. Not a lot happens to me, and I so tend to overreact sometimes (but only sometimes). Consequently minor mishaps such as my leaky roof (oops - mentioned it again - but only as context) get me down a lot more than they should.
By the same logic, really upsetting things tend to knock me for six. Maybe that's why I feel so disconnected at the moment. I really feel like I'm walking between the raindrops, although that may be completely the wrong expression. I seem to be rubbing Billie up the wrong way recently, but I'm sure that is just a twelve year old thing. However I feel like I'm getting more and more isolated, and caring less and less. Okay I'm beating around the proverbial here and skirting around the elephant. I'm losing a point that probably wasn't even there in the first place.

and in less abstract news...
I'm keeping up with my exercises. The pain still wakes me up several times each night. I used to sleep exclusively on my left side, as that's where my radio is (tinnitus remember?) but as it's my left shoulder, I alternate (exciting stuff eh?).
On Friday gone I had to go to the gym (me! in a gym!) I was the only "patient" there, and despite their obvious disinterest, the abundance of twenty something , fit physiotherapists, made the gelatinous middle aged blob you see before you a little uncomfortable.

*lazy, not to incorporate this above I know. I realised I never elaborated on 'strange'. I mean irritable , distracted, unfocused, regretful, apologetic, but paradoxically unapologetic, misanthropic, detached, sad and ultimately pointless.
You may point out, correctly, that this is how I apparently feel most of the time, but somehow it feels a little different today. You may also correctly point out that these can also describe depression.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
- Albert Einstein

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