Wednesday 5 November 2008

“People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think”

"Someway, somehow this same thing was done.
Someone, somewhere did me this same wrong."

Well last night I sat in bed watching the BBCs coverage of the election (it was around 3am when I fell asleep). It was really quite exciting, but even from the early stages it was quite obvious what the result would be - thank heavens!
McCain seemed like a reasonable old right winger (sarcasm) but what really scared me was the heartbeat away from the presidency that Palin would be, I felt something akin to how Johnny Smith felt about Martin Sheen in The Dead Zone. In her own "world" she may function quite adequately, but loosed on a cosmopolitan , multicultural globe, surely only Armageddon could have resulted (let's face it did McCain even have four years left in him?). She irritates and frightens me!

It's not like me to discuss world politics is it ? not when there is the minutiae of my pathetic life to entertain us. Speaking of which, my roof was repaired, it didn't cost a fortune, well not if you are rolling in the dough, but by my own terms it was pretty pricey. Now I can look forward to a dry but probably cold (i.e. I can't afford the heating now) Winter, ho hum.

Billies school is closed all week, due to heating problems, which means we've had a few solid days together. Mixed blessings, I realise how grown up she is now, but it's been delightful just slobbing around together doing normal stuff. I'd hate to be one of those absentee Dads where every meeting has to be an "event", we are comfortable just sitting in a room together, I wish I could say that about my own Dad.

Today has been that most British of days, Guy Fawkes night. I assure you that 99% of the "people" you asked round these parts about the historical origins of the day would have no bloody idea, they just like an excuse to set of fireworks , and set fire to things.

There has been something on my mind for quite a while now (quite a while), but I just can't decide what to do about it. I shall keep us posted on any developments (but expect none, I am King of the procrastinators)

and by the way, don't think for one second that this inane banter means all is well. My head is (thinks of witty metaphor and fails) , well completely messed up...

"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." - George Carlin

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