Thursday 13 November 2008

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

"Tinseltown is in the rain"

So - roof man arrives, later than announced, and I hand him his cheque, which he pockets. He proceeds to show me what was wrong , and as he talks it becomes increasingly obvious he hasn't started yet! All I can think about is my cheque in his pocket! He says he'll come back in an hour or so, but he isn't and I go to work. All afternoon I'm pondering, "have I been ripped off?" So I ask one of my colleagues to ring me from home (he passes my house on the way) and he later reports, guys crawling over the house like an infestation. Sadly when I got home , a note says, "back tomorrow to finish". (sorry for the confused tense in that paragraph, I am very tired)

In other news, I finally signed up with my local GP practice, upon the insistence of the "interview". I last saw a GP over four years ago, with tinnitus depression and sadly , suicidal thoughts. He prescribed me anti-depressants (which I took for around six weeks) and referred me to the CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) for counselling. I wen for my first session, but he was off sick, and in the subsequent four and a half years no one has contacted me at all - great follow up eh? Suicidal Nurse with access to various opiates, insulin, potassium, just think of the ways I could have ended it all, thanks ex GP! (oh I sounded a little bitter there didn't I?). I have to go for a medical tomorrow - joy!

“How did it get so late so soon?” - Dr Seuss

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