Wednesday 26 November 2008

"Lack of money is the root of all evil"
- George Bernard Shaw

And I thought yesterday was busy? A horrible horrible shift today. Winter is properly here when the bed crisis arrives...

Earlier Mr Roof had arrived (nearly an hour late). After examining the roof again, and listening to my description of the symptoms, he came up with a figure of another £600, but the look of horror on my face, and my genuine claims of poverty somehow got the price down to £300 (how does that work?) Luckily it's pay day on Thursday and my Dad is going to help me a bit. Typically when I got home still no sign of the guarantee from the previous job, and a quick call elicits that he will return tomorrow to finish, sound familiar?

My physiotherapy has now settled into a nice twice weekly routine. The shortwave pulse contraption is really helping with the pain, and today I've been given daily exercises. Strangely they involve a walking stick. Which reminds me of the two occasions when I needed to use a stick, when my back was bad (which gave me a 'House' complex of course). That was an unnecessary tangent (but aren't they all?).

I promise that I will not mention my damn roof again, unless more cash is involved maybe.
Last year Winter passed by quickly and pleasantly (and if you have to ask why you haven't been paying attention to previous posts!). This one look like it's going to be a bit of a slog

"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of." - Jane Austen

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