Monday 17 November 2008

“A man of gladness seldom falls into madness”

"It only tires me
But when you fire me
I want for nothing in this world"

Welcome to that embarrassing post I promised earlier . I have have consumed the wine, true, but sadly (depending on your point of view) I don't feel like I have anything to say tonight that is especially shameful (that's the wrong word really, but I didn't want to use embarrass again so soon - oops!).

I've been listening to a lot of Billy Mackenzie over the past few days. I always liked the fact he was a pop star called Billy (obviously) and that he could put real emotion into his performances (try 'Breakfast', 'Nocturne VII' and 'In Windows All' for starters) . However it was always obvious that he had a lot of internal issues and demons to wrangle. The fact that I'm older than he ever got to be, makes me ponder my own self worth (and I've never done that before have I ?). Luckily I don't really like whippets, and my Dads' shed holds no interest to me...

Next time I promise I will bemoan my state more thoroughly and those few topics that occupy most of my thoughts (okay I'm rambling now, time for this non-even to end). Normal service will resume shortly.

“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness” - Seneca

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