You'll come for me
And take me by the hand
Far from all I know
You'll take me there
And I will understand"
Here I sit with a packet of Tunnocks Snowballs and a cup of tea, listening to Billy Mackenzie, and ruminating. Oh I'm ruminating like a professional ruminator (but not in the sense of cattle), It's something I excel at. In a moment I intend to open a bottle of wine.
All three of my siblings were at my Mams house earlier today (plus me of course, so that makes four). This is a pretty rare occurrence. I still feel like an outsider to my own family but I try and not let such illogical thoughts bother me these days. (see an old dog can learn new tricks)
I don't like weekends off, I know I've said it a thousand times before, but Joe Public and his entire family are off at weekends (plus I'm missing those lovely weekend enhancements that take my pay up to a livable level - nice phrase!), I much prefer midweek days off - enough!
Let the wine flow! and probably an embarrassing post later I imagine!
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” - George Burns

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