Saturday 15 November 2008

“Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, pain of love lasts a lifetime.”

"I wish I had a river so long,
I would teach my feet to fly.
Oh I wish I had a river,
I made my baby say goodbye"

So what's been happening to me? not much as it happens (would ya believe it?).
I signed up with my local GP practice, as instructed at my sickness interview. I went along for my medical, and to be honest I was quite looking forward to it. An examination, a chance to talk with a sane and intelligent adult about my problems and worries. Sadly It lasted all of ten minutes, with the Practice Nurse and went no deeper than blood pressure, height and weight (I found out I'm actually six four in my shoes, and weigh only 102 kg, for years I thought I was six two and I honestly thought I was much heavier, so not all bad eh?).
Next day I dragged my deteriorating body along to the physio at work. This examination was much more thorough, but I felt quite embarrassed having to undress. My new physio wants me to come in twice weekly for a few weeks to get treatment on my shoulder. It has been getting worse, and I just have to reach out sideways now and it will go dead (accompanied by much pain). Sleeping on my left (as I always do) is painful and even putting on clothes is a struggle sometimes - shoot me now!

My roof is still not complete, he shall return to complete it on Monday apparently, but I will believe it when I see it.

In more upsetting news, my outlay the cost of the roof means I'll have to rethink Billies Christmas present. I really wanted to get her a nice netbook, as 'live messenger' seems to rule her life at the moment, but unless I get a windfall soon, that's unlikely now - oh well, she honestly doesn't seem to mind a bit!

I finally used the last of the Jim Beam that Barbara brought with her. I bought some more, but it will always remind me of a wonderful night and a wonderful Woman (that came out more morose than it was intended)

“Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill

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