Tuesday 28 October 2008

blah blah blah

"Hide on the promenade
Etch a postcard:
'How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here' "

Here's that rarest of things, a blog entry not influenced by alcohol (except by mentioning it I suppose). I find that obviously the time of day effects what "appears" here. For instance if I'd been able to summon up the energy this morning, after walking home from work, it would have been all about how bloody freezing it is (and it is) and how rubbish work is sometimes (sometimes?*). But I was so tired I was in bed by 9am! and it's usually 10.30 when I go to bed (hardly interesting, but relevant I think).
Since it's nearly 7pm and I have to leave for work again soon, my thoughts are dominated by how solitary these past few weeks and months have been. It's getting dark before 5pm, and there is something about that darkness that both isolates and causes reflection (frankly any more reflection and I could get a job as a mirror, albeit probably one of those fairground kind).
I've lost my point, but this isn't really about points I suppose, more Dorian Gray style hoarding of negative energies (which obviously isn't working!).
Hold it there - I'm going to stop - my perpetual bleating and self pity is getting a little tired (a little he says), I'm boring myself. Time to do something.

“The secret of being a bore is to tell everything” - Voltaire

*Oh and yes , I have to have another sickness interview, re my recent ankle woes. It was inevitable, but I am not going to let it get me down. I genuinely debilitated, and being unable to walk is probably a disadvantage in my job, eh?

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