Have her stay for just another month or so
But she's got the urge for going
So I guess she'll have to go"
I'm trapped! in my own house (that's two times this week!).
I hate weekends off, they mean crowds, and Sundays. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Sunday.
There is a big football match on here this afternoon (the dreaded Sunderland Vs Newcastle) local rivalry means lots of locals, a large proportion of which are powered by alcohol. Consequently the town centre is a no go area, and I really wanted to go to the second hand shop! For instance my street is chockablock with cars, presumably in the pub watching TV and drinking (which actually sounds pretty good to me - as long as it's not football showing!).
Enough misanthropic rambling.
I actually did some housework this afternoon, observing in the process that my house lacks any 90 degree angles. I suppose if I was 110 years old I might be lacking in right angles too (the few that know me will confirm that the only geometry I have involves curves, but sadly not in a Jessica Rabbit kinda way). I just hope the place doesn't collapse around me one day (sorry -just one of my many irrational concerns).
Don't let the light hearted banter fool you though, I'm back in that rut of old, though the despondent edge has, thankfully, not returned (yet). Life, or rather living, seems so pointless - but I don't mean in the suicidal sense ! Picture a boring unforgivably straight road stretching out to the horizon, with only an occasional rest stop (with names like 'minor health issue', 'solitary Christmas', and 'more of the same').
And on that nostalgic and heart warming note, I'll say goodbye.
“Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper.” - Bjork

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