Tuesday 7 October 2008

“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

"From a late night train
The little towns go rolling by
And people in the station
Going home
It's over now
I know it's over
But I love you so

I had tears in my eyes on the train.
Not tears of happiness I'm afraid. When I saw Holy Island in the distance, I was struck by the sad fact that Barbara and I had never got there on our holiday. Then it dawned on me that the train follows very closely the road we had driven to Edinburgh, within a few feet at some points. Naturally this caused me to reflect on that journey, and more.
Then as the train approached the City (of Edinburgh) , and I spotted landmarks we had visited together only a few months ago, well frankly I was heartbroken .

To add to my joy, it began to pour down as soon as we crossed the border, my earlier post was very prophetic.
Peering out from Glasgow Central into the deluge , I was wondering whether this was actually a trip of penance , rather than enjoyment. To be honest, I haven't been looking forward to it at all.

After half an hour, I decided the rain showed no sign of stopping (and it never did ) so off I set with my little wheely bag, into the grey grey Scottish day...

(I had haggis, neeps, and tatties for my tea, it was lovely. )

A rail strike began in Scotland , 90 minutes after I arrived! will I get home?

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.” - Lewis Carroll

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