Monday 20 October 2008

“Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”

"And as I watch the drops of rain
Weave their weary paths and die

I know that I am like the rain
There but for the grace of you go I."

Well my ankle actually got worse, with the swelling spreading to both sides. I went to bed chock full o' painkillers,( fully intending to go back to work last night), but I couldn't get comfortable in any position, so I got up after two hours (midday!).

It's a lot better today, but not enough to return tonight.

Funny that all the time at work you can't wait to get home, but as soon as you have to stay home, you feel trapped!

The mind is a cruel cruel thing - It gives, it takes away, and then won't let you forget either!

As an added bonus, I've also been given an extra week of night's next week.

With my various failing appendages, aches and pains, mental state, general demeanour, the temperature falling and the nights darkening, I feel wonderful (I'm being sarcastic)

In other very mundane news, due to resting my foot, I've watched a lot of TV today. Last weeks House was a return to form, I felt Season five was so far a little dull to be honest, but the House /Wilson road trip was fun (which I just realised is also a reference to the show).

“Better slip with foot than tongue” - Benjamin Franklin

(Since I watched Zodiac tonight, this seemed strangely appropriate)

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