Saturday 29 December 2007

“There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.”

I'm still here - just. Firstly I feel much better. For goodness sake I went to bed at 9pm last night I felt so ill - I haven't been to bed that early since since about 1979!
Boxing Day at work - very atypical - only three of us , very busy, plus I was about as useful as well, something that isn't very useful at all - so there. However our draconian sickness policy made me to darned scared to stay off sick.

I've just watched "28 Weeks Later" not at all what I expected, but very entertaining nonetheless, and an obvious sequel on the way. I was worried going in that it would portray the US Army as the saviours of the day, thankfully it didn't, they were just as useless as the rest of us...

“I just read this great science fiction story. It's about how machines take control of humans and turn them into zombie slaves! . . . HEY! What time is it?? My TV show is on!” - Bill Watterson

Tuesday 25 December 2007

“To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy.”
- Hippocrates

Merry Christmas? I hope so.
Oh woe is me,I somehow developed a cold last night and I'm all aches and pains and snuffly nose today. I just dropped off my daughter, and I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up so I can have a few drinks at my Mothers house. I took a bottle of port with me but no one wants to partake.
I'm so glad I'm off today, not just because it's Christmas, but yesterday was the busiest Christmas Eve I can remember, and I can remember quite a few. Since we are deliberately understaffed on Christmas Day (since it is usually so quiet) it's going to be helluva busy!


See you soon for post number 300! (SPARTANS!!!)

“A man's illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider. You are healthy.” -Lauren Bacall

(Shirley with parents)

Tuesday 18 December 2007

“He who cannot dance will say: "The drum is bad”

I was looking for the Hai Karate (UK) ad I mentioned earlier, but couldn't find it.
Anyway here's three cool videos, which will hopefully give you some insight into how I would like the Ward Christmas night out on Thursday to be - if only!

“If I can't dance - I don't want to be part of your revolution” - Emma Goldman

“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

Blimey, I almost forgot about the blog!

I still don't feel "Christmassy" in anyway, there's a different atmosphere, a strange mixture of tension and relaxation, but no, I can't seem to recapture that magic. When Christmas meant good telly, buying The Radio AND TV Times, lot's of sweets, Woolworth's telly ads, QC Sherry, and some genuine surprises. Oh I am such a seventies child! (I was looking at the top 40 earlier - something I never usually do, and Wizzard and Slade are in there - I'm 8 again! - if only!).

I can't remember when I changed from Radio 1 to Radio 2, and when I began to lose familiarity (and actually couldn't care less about it) with the top 40!

Ah remember when Christmas Top of the Pops was a TV highlight, and Hai Karate aftershave was "sophisticated".

I'm off for a ride on my Chipper Bike...

“Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present”

Wednesday 12 December 2007

“If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?”

Sorry for the inactivity, you know how it is. Billy is a lazy boy. Also I don't feel as though I have as much to say as I used to? Strange eh?

It's cold eh? I've had the heating on every day. I'm not going to be cold, just to save money, like last year. Remember the year before when my boiler was broken and I couldn't afford to replace it? and I got pneumonia? Well I'd rather forsake my few pleasures (i.e. DVDs and wine!) and be warm. Plus there's my new generally positive outlook on life! My elusive brother Frank is finally going to make a start on installing my new bathroom this weekend (exciting stuff eh readers?).

I think I am just about finished with my Christmas shopping.
This year will be my first Christmas day off in about seven years, I think I'll get drunk - alas mostly alone, although I'm really looking forward to a web cam chat later in the day!

Bye for now...

“I love to go shopping. I love to freak out salespeople. They ask me if they can help me, and I say, "Have you got anything I'd like?" Then they ask me what size I need, and I say, "Extra medium."” - Steven Wright

Friday 7 December 2007

“Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.”

I've gone deaf again, at least in my left ear, it's only wax though ! However it's also made my tinnitus so much worse. Enough moaning (oww!).

I bought a webcam , and now so has Barbara. The guy on the box of mine ( a very posh Philips one) is having a wonderful full screen conversation with his Wife and Daughter. However real life means a little window with a jerky image. However it's great to "see" each other again. Awww! Have to go, I've just got in from a very busy shift and food and a shower is required...

“Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's character.” - Chinese Proverb

Sunday 2 December 2007

“A cloud cannot cast a shadow unless the sun is shining beyond it”

Sunday morning - I'm off to work soon. Usually I'd feel doom and gloom about this, but hey I Don't! go figure! (despite my above inflation child support bill from last night!)

My holiday still gives me a strange mix of happiness (at the whole experience) and sadness (that it's over, and I'm so far away from Barbara again). Did I mention that we stayed in the Airport Hotel the first night? The Rooms look out over the terminal and runways in a generally northern direction. On a clear day I would have been able to see the mountains north of Vancouver but that day a misty horizon was all that could be seen. - Off for a shower, back soon.

“Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor: For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich; and as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, so honor peereth in the meanest habit” - Billy S

Friday 30 November 2007

“Either he's dead or my watch has stopped.”

Lazy sod! Me that is. A sudden burst of posting and then a week of nothing. I'm back into my work routine and unfortunately I can see my wasting of my days off falling back into place. One good thing however is I feel a whole lot more positive, that sense of dread and doom that often totally disabled me is thankfully missing (at least for the moment - wait until the full blast of winter hits you!) - Hey ! stay cheerful!

Whilst in Vancouver we had a night of storms and the next day the power was out. (This seems to be quite common in a land of so many trees). Consequently I had an interesting day of experiencing the modern life style sans electricity, no shops no music, no heat. Actually the whole day was really enjoyable, thankfully Barbara had a ready supply of candles and boardgames. One bonus was the view of the night sky, without the light pollution , the stars were beautiful ( even to me with my night blindness!)

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” - Oscar Wilde

Saturday 24 November 2007

“If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.”
- Groucho Marx

(Angel of the North anyone???)

Whilst I was away quite a few things changed at work. Three new members of staff, and enough subtle little changes to make the place feel quite fresh. It isn't the same place it was a year ago for sure. One thing that has really cheered me up is my colleagues genuine interest in my holiday, and even more so in my relationship with Barbara. Some were (honestly) quite worried that I would be the victim of an Internet serial killer (how sweet and or frightening!)

Anyway back to my flight, I watched three movies and a few TV shows (the Simpson's Movie was so disappointing, funny yes, but not quite the event I expected). Unfortunately when we landed at Vancouver the cloud was so low that the mountains to the North of the airport I was so looking forward to seeing were completely invisible - disappointing yes but who cares, I was in bloody Canada! woo hoo!

The baggage Carousel area was strangely deserted, likewise passport control. As I passed through the doors into the Airport proper (where only weeks before a poor Polish man had been tasered by the RCMP and died) I was greeted by a most wonderful sight, the Wonderful Barbara Hultberg, whom until that point was a voice and a mental image, in living breathing "real world-o-vision". Without wanting to sound big-headed, I have never seen anyone so pleased to see me in my whole life, She actually ran to me, and as we hugged and I felt so very very happy ( I was tempted to ruin that last sentence with a sarcastic comment, but sod it, it was simply great!).

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha

Friday 23 November 2007

“Why don't they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff.” -
Steven Wright

Despite feeling pretty good last night, as soon as it came time to go to bed, I felt so alone, and so cold! You may think I'm wallowing in self pity, and I am, but isn't that what blogs are? personal?

The flight from Amsterdam to Vancouver was about 10 hours, but the journey to a destination is, for me at least, shortened somewhat by the excitement of arriving (and of course the trip home is correspondingly lengthened!)

I was only a few rows back from business class, and those empty seats seemed such a crime to us sardines in economy! The on board entertainment was excellent. I assume it was like a giant DVR, with a huge selection of TV shows, movies, and music, plus some fairly decent games, and that map view that I love (although I could have done without the accompanying Muzak!) The drinks were plentiful too (I don't mean just alcohol!). I suddenly realised about an hour or two into the flight, that I'd forgot to put on my flight socks! I'd wished I hadn't worn lace up converse boots as I struggled in the toilet to get into my protection against a rogue blood clot!)

more soon...

Stick with this clip, it's long but fascinating!

“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” - Groucho Marx

Thursday 22 November 2007

“Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.” - Oscar Wilde

Well that wasn't so bad!

“Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.” - Goethe

“To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree to catch a fish”

It's after two in the morning.

I went to bed earlier but couldn't sleep (plus I needed to go to the toilet!) So I'm just going to sit here for a while until I get very tired.
(I put this sudden insomnia down to going back to work later today, plus my melancholy over missing Barbara)

Let me tell you something of my trip to Vancouver.
I flew with KLM from Newcastle via Amsterdam. It was so much more pleasant than previous trips, none of that nasty bus from terminal to terminal, plus Schipol has some lovely shops and facilities (sadly my none existent budget meant I couldn't really sample any of them!) and a more cosmopolitan feel than Heathrow and Gatwick (which is blatantly untrue if you think about it - duh!).

It amazes me that although you are checked when entering the Airport , after that you are essentially on your own (and in my case quite literally - I did feel I was quite the solo jet setter, at least as much as economy class would allow anyway). Even though I was amongst thousands of people (remind me to mention the contrast with Vancouver later!) I felt completely alone. The thought of travelling thousands of miles to see someone, that although I felt I knew quite well, I had technically never met before, was a little frightening (let me assure you gentle reader, that any such fear was unfounded, and apart from an initial little problem with eye contact, I felt as though I'd known Barbara for years!)

to be continued...

“Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time.” - Chinese proverb

Wednesday 21 November 2007

“Alcohol preserves everything except secrets”

Wednesday : post number 2

The cost of living, at least from my brief experience, seems a lot cheaper in Canada. One strange difference I noticed however is the cost of alcohol (off sales I mean, I have no idea how much alcohol costs in a pub/club in the UK). For some reason alcohol can only be purchased in dedicated liquor stores, which are not quite the same as our "off licenses" and seem to be mostly attached to pubs. The prices are significantly higher too, about 30-40% I'd say. It was strange going into a huge supermarket, but not seeing an alcohol aisle at all. However this one glitch doesn't cancel out the cheaper prices of services, food, electrical goods, cars, housing etc etc.
By the way don't let this cheery post fool you, I remain supremely grumpy and unhappy!

(Ironically I spilled a conciliatory alcoholic drink on my keyboard upon my return - now I only have occasional use of control, K, 0, and right shift , and f9 has ceased to function at all - ha!)

“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O'Rourke

“You know what makes my problems bigger then everyone else's? They're mine!”

I'm still in between realities.
I dread returning to work tomorrow, and I'm paralysed by post holiday blues. I know that all those memories will eventually become treasured, but whenever I think of being in Canada with Barbara, still only a few days ago, It almost hurts, I want to be back there so much.
Today I've been sitting for hours feeling numb (not literally of course). Snap out of it! (I don't really want too!)

On a purely touristy note, Vancouver is a beautiful city and really quite compact, and what I saw of British Columbia, though often shrouded in cloud sadly, was equally beautiful. I know it's a cliche, but almost everyone I met there had such a friendly air, politeness seems like second nature there.

We went to see Sondre Lerche, and this clip is from that actual performance.

(He started late, and our true middle agedness came out when we became so worried about still catching the last bus home!)

“Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively” - Voltaire

Tuesday 20 November 2007

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

At last - here I am again. I suppose you'd expect my first post to be about the fantastic time I had (and the time I had was a fantastic one readers) but first I wanted to let you know about my personal experience with jet lag. I'd planned on posting as soon as I got home on Sunday evening. When I arrived home however I still didn't know what day it was never mind stringing together a lucid report. Two full days later I just about feel awake enough. Two days off wasted!

The previous two weeks to me, were not so much a holiday as a glimpse at how fun and enjoyable life could and should be, thanks Barbara, not only for being a wonderful and generous host, but for being lovely in general.

More soon , I promise.

“I refer to jet lag as 'jet-psychosis' — there's an old saying that the spirit cannot move faster than a camel.” - Spalding Gray

Sunday 4 November 2007

“I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about.”

Well contrary to the popular belief of my work colleagues , Canada did not greet me with Arctic conditions. The weather here is exactly like I left at home. - see, I told you so!

Special thanks to Frank, for getting me to the airport. at the risk of being late himself.

I had lot to drink last night, including some Jim Beam, which I actually enjoyed (I can only tolerate spirits as a mixer!) I danced for the first time in nearly two years, and boy did I feel old. Where as once I could dance for hours at a time , after a few songs I was out of breath. Nevertheless today I feel okay.

The weather on arrival was atrocious with cloud all the way down to the ground. Which means I saw nothing of the city skyline, or the mountains, but it's early days...

“"But I don't want to go among mad people," said Alice. "Oh, you can't help that," said the cat. "We're all mad here."”

Thursday 1 November 2007

Come fly with me!

Well hello! for what might be the last post for a few weeks. Yes of course I'm off to Canada tomorrow (as opposed to Canda, which was where I got all my clothes in the 1970's ! - did any one get that obscure reference?).

I got up at 6am today to check in on-line. All I can say is blimey! there are some early risers out there, half the plane was full and of course all the extra leg room seats were gone ( I am six foot two after all!). If anyone cares to look at an Airbus 330 seating plan, I'm in 14b.

Work was just a dimly remembered blur, I was out of there ASAP, but rather unexpectedly there were some very genuine and touching goodbyes to me, Awwww!

I'm off to see my Daughter for the last time (before I fly!) and then I'll have a few hours to do all the stuff I should have done sooner, like pack!!!

If inspiration strikes, see you later if not see you in a couple of weeks.

Billy has left the building.

I love this song, and the video is simply perfect.

"I'm explaining to you because you look nervous."

"I'm not nervous. Well, maybe I was a bit...concerned but that's not the same thing"

Wednesday 31 October 2007

eight days a week...(almost)

Er... day seven of eight down. A half day tomorrow then Friday and I'm off. It's really quite exciting isn't it?

The Witch hunts are over at work (at least for the moment). To mix my metaphors, when the smoke cleared I was still standing! (by which I mean ... for now I'm staying on my own Ward). I don't know if I'm relieved, six months ago I would have punched the air, frozen, and let the credits roll... today it's not quite so clear cut. This place is damn stressful, but whatever happens I can wave goodbye to some beloved colleagues (plus a silver lining of one less than beloved colleague ...!)

I watched the final episode of Heroes (well season 1 at least) last night and it was great! Of course the show is hackneyed in places, but it has some wonderfully fresh ideas, and I especially loved the redemption of Mr. Bennett (anyone remember Mr. Bennett the caretaker in Take Hart - that's the BBC kids show not the "meet my boss - she's gorgeous" one - no ? just me then?)

“Not to mince words, Mr Epstein, we don't like your boys' sound. Groups of guitarists are on the way out.”

Monday 29 October 2007

“The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.”
- Norwegian proverb

I was on a study day today. I got up very late, but somehow I managed to arrive on time. There's something built into me that sends me to sleep , almost guaranteed, on a study day. Usually though I start to nod off after lunch, just for a few seconds here and there, usually waking up with an embarrassed start! Today though it started about 11am, during a talk by the local Coroner of all people. I remember he said the word Bill (in the context of a government paper) but my subconscious must have assumed he was talking straight to me, so I de-slumped sharpish like.

I recently bought some delicious banana and apple dessert from my favourite shop (Home Bargains - North of England readers will know it!). After I'd consumed quite a few I was looking at the packaging and realised I'd been scoffing organic baby food, I can be so stupid.

My Canadian Adventure is dangerously imminent, but again I somehow managed to put off packing for another day - I'm such a procrastinator!!!

“If there were no fools, how would we recognize the wise” - (another) Norwegian proverb

Saturday 27 October 2007

“Don't walk away! I'm trying to apologize you dumb noodleloaf!”

I'm off to bed as soon as this is posted.
I Just wanted to stop by and say hello! I am still here. (The counter shows that someone is stopping by now and again.)

Some random musings...

I'm off on my Holiday next week, as if you didn't know. Two weeks in Vancouver! Fantastic destination, and even more fantastic company!

Here it comes - Three days into my eight day stretch, but the two 13 hour shifts are still to come! You can do it Duffy Moon!

I am so tired! Insomnia really suited me! There just doesn't seem enough hours in the day to waste!

I have until Monday to volunteer to go to the new Ward. Some very nice people are going, and (dial a cliche alert) a change is as good as a rest (so I suppose that inversely a rest must be as good as a change?). I may ask for a temporary transfer, and that way if it doesn't work out, I can skulk back to where I am now.

I know, I know, I'm an indecisive and insignificant old fool! but hey I only write this stuff, no-one forced you to read this (but if they did please give me their number, so I can thank them)

(I know this show was an inconsequential 80's Tron lite rip-off piece of fluff that ran for only 13 episodes, but I always had a soft spot for it - I remember seeing a big box of Automan action figures for literally pennies back in London in '87 - I bet I could shift a few on e-bay now, ho-hum)

“History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction.” - Calvin and Hobbes

Wednesday 24 October 2007

“What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?”

My Mam found some old photo's today. It seems that there are a few pictures of me in existence (prior to my awful Wedding photo's that is). I've uploaded them to my Flickr account . If you are desperate enough to look there's the hyperlink for you (also available in the links section).

Nothing unusual about them but there was a strange generational connection, there I am as a small boy , and then as a Father. My other siblings in the group photo, are all parents now too (or about to be). The circle of life eh? Without getting deep in any way (what me?) all our lives are so transient and ultimately insignificant, isn't it sad that some people have to remain lonely, and others dedicate their all to short tenure on the planet to the destruction and misery of others - go figure!

(that was strangely meaningful wasn't it? what's up with him??)

Back to work tomorrow for eight solid days (so it begins - see I told you so!)

Sparks are great!

Two quotes for you today:

“We seek pitifully to convey to others the treasures of our heart, but they have not the power to accept them, and so we go lonely, side by side but not together, unable to know our fellows and unknown by them” - William Somerset Maugham

(I think I may have used that quote before - so what I suppose?)

Calvin: Do you believe in the devil? You know, a supreme evil being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, and destruction of man? Hobbes: I'm not sure that man needs the help”

How come I never get a Google alert about my page, despite all these Shirley Manson mentions?

Shirley Manson, Shirley Manson , Shirley Manson (just giving the automatic trawling software something to pick up !)

“Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.”

Just a quick one before an early night ( I was up very late last night , and then early today, I've been like a zombie today!).
We went to Newcastle today (all you can eat Chinese buffet in Stowell Street folks) and watched the continuing demolition of Scottish and Newcastle Brewery for a while :

(please click on the image for a larger and much clearer version)

It was quite unreal, like a scene from an apocalyptic movie, and Billie was a little freaked out, especially as she spotted a waste bin someone had left in an office! It just seems like the other day we watched Vaux Brewery being demolished here in Sunderland

Later she wanted to play an LP, on vinyl! It was most amusing watching her try to figure out the sleeve and then the actual mechanics of playing a record. It made me feel so antiquated! By the way it was The Beatles "Blue" Album.

One more day off then the legendary eight day stretch begins - bummer!!!

“Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!” - Calvin and Hobbes

Copyright - me!

Saturday 20 October 2007

“If I can't dance - I don't want to be part of your revolution” **

Back again ... and so soon. I just recalled being alerted (by my brother Frank - thank you) to this clip which features an 18 year old me dancing (when I say features I actually mean one or two frames of the back of my head or profile - yes folks, I had one back in '83). This clip isn't from youtube but stage6, where although not as much choice, the quality and speed is much better.

(you may have to download a plug-in, I'm to the right of the picture with thick lustrous long hair and a chin)

Back in '83 It was my post new romantic period, goth lite proto emo phase - it didn't last long - but I loved Electro music, those "streetsound" vinyl compilations were fantastic! (ask your adidas/streetdancing wearing parents, kids)

“Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.” - Anon ( a very prolific author)

** Emma Goldman - early 20th century anarchist, but also quoted in a Sophie Ellis-Bextor song which is very very good

“Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

Welcome to number 275 in a series of ... heaven knows! (Religion eh? should I have spelled heaven with a capital H?)
I'm feeling very "holidayey" today (excuse the made up word please). It's been so very long since I went anywhere. I unfortunately have a run of eight straight days at work before I go, so I shall surely be knackered.
I've been researching KLM, with whom I fly, and as they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Some reviews say fabulous some say dire, let's wait and see eh? Remember my worries at the cinema? (what crazy kid or chattering old fogey will sit beside me/in front/behind etc...) well that worry is multiplied tenfold on a plane, and since this is the first time I'll ever have flown alone, I won't even have any distractions. Well at least the wonders of online check-in means I stand a good chance of getting a reasonable seat, as long as I get up at 4am the day before that is.

Expect lots of moaning about how tired I am/ how stressful work is , soon - be seeing you!

“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana” - Groucho Marx

Tuesday 16 October 2007

“A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.”

I'm very tired.
You may recall that about three years ago I became an insomnia sufferer. Regular readers may remember me moaning endlessly about it and fondly recalling the spiritual calm of being wide awake at four in the morning, So what ? you may say, and say it you may, but for the last couple of months it has continued to improve. So much so that unless I'm in bed by midnight (for a 6.15 arising) I'm absolutely paggered the next morning. So what? you may say again, and say it again you may. Well in the bad old days I could sleep for maybe two hours, get up and go to work , and function fairly well. I think my body became accustomed to very little sleep, and now that it is getting a little more it's cruelly punishing me by making me feel like ... well crap , all the time. To sum up , more sleep is making me feel worse! (of course it could also be my shockingly unhealthy lifestyle and middle age?)

The enlightened amongst you are probably wondering why my insomnia is getting better, aren't you? Well I have my own theories, but I suspect part of the solution may lie in British Columbia

“It's always in the middle of the bloody night, or when you're half-awake or tired, when your critical faculties are switched off. So letting go is what the whole game is. You turn on the lights and the cockroaches run away. You can never grasp them.” - John Lennon