Saturday 7 April 2007

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” - Dr Seuss

myspace and the Kevin bacon game

I'm sure, gentle reader, that being the net savvy individual you are, that you are aware of The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. The idea being to connect Kevin Bacon (or actually any actor now) to another actor in as few steps as possible (giving you the "bacon number" which correlates with the number of steps.) Why am I mentioning this well established bit of trivia you may ask? and well you may! Well since myspace has become my latest time thief (gee thanks Claire!) I see the same people cropping up in various friends lists time and time again! See where I'm going, yes the Billy number is the number of steps to connect myself to another myspace user (who obviously isn't one of my friends). Obviously the whole thing is a bit biased as I'm looking at people who probably share one or more of my interests, mainly 60's beat music and cult film / tv, so familiar faces are bound to crop up.

(there is a whole Mod Army on myspace just waiting for an unscrupulous leader - if Paul Weller wanted to take over the country, all it would take would be one myspace bulletin and a fishtailed invasion of Downing Street would be inevitable!)

If I weren't so crippled by apathy I might post this as a bulletin.

“A friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.” - Jim Morrison

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr Seuss


Anonymous said...

I've noticed that with mine too, i could get back to Rich (before i added him as a friend obviously) within five steps....quite freaked me out when i clicked on a friend of The Mighty Crab, only to see that they had a mate of Rich's as one of their friends....small world really...and i'd never had anything to do with T-M-C before chatting to him on here.

maybe i should set you a random person to try and link to give you some focus to your myspace wanderings.

Anonymous said...

Hey no homework please!