Sunday 15 April 2007

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Yes I am a fool - ok, ha-ha!

Now what did I say? Buy less DVDs!!! so what did I do at 2am today - stoopid question.
I finally gave up waiting and ordered the "Dread Pirate" edition of the Princess Bride (and I did have a little prompt) - The UK edition has the film and nothing else, the US is a 2 discer with oodles o' stuff (also comes in buttercup edition for the ladies) of course this means the UK will probably get a 3 disc super deluxe version in a fortnight), and as the postage was no more for two I went for the super dee duper US edition of Heathers too - in for a penny and all that! (hey it was only a tenner for the two)

Myspace - how come "cool new people" hang around for bloody weeks on your homepage? When I signed up, I didn't get cool new people status, but some of these losers (!) have been hanging around an age, move over give us desperate folks a go. (when you go into "view all my friends" what damn order does it put your friends in? It surely isn't order of signing up, or anything to do with order of "friendness", it takes an age to find who ya' want - I'm such a grumpy old sod!)

Did I mention this before? The bogus young "women" who want to be my friend on a daily basis? They always seem around 22 and have a profile picture in short shorts or lingerie (poor things can't afford proper clothes) furthermore they always have the same damn profile! (don't want kids - don't worry , I don't think a spambot is capable of reproduction) What kind of fool believes this stuff? - Men that's who , damn fools "thanks for the add babe - speak soon"

“The function of muscle is to pull and not to push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue.” - Leonardo da Vinci (ooh er Leo!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A buttercup version ?? fantastic ! V V jealous.

and maybe we do get fab person status because every once in a while i get a flurry of new friend requests and then nothing for ages....maybe we just dont see ourselves when we are featured ?