Wednesday 11 April 2007

"I just wasn't made for these times"

Fun fun 13 hour shift today!

Hello gentle reader!

Today I was thinking about youth culture. Amazing as it may be to you I was young once, and I was quite the chameleon, but more of that later!

It's a great time to be young today (how old is young? I'm tempted to say under 35, but I can think of a couple of people who'll instantly disagree!!) the 21st century (hang on where's me jet pack and silver jumpsuit?) is summed up by eclecticism. The young person today can draw upon any youth movement of the past, be it Mod, Rocker, Punk, Metalist, or "mocker" (one for the Beatles fans amongst us) whilst this is admirable it raises the obvious issue that 2007 has no identity of it's own. Photo's of today shown to our grandchildren, will only be identifiable by the huge mobile phones we own (obviously not me - the Luddite) they'll probably have subcutaneous phones producing vivid holographic images of the caller. They draw on the past, but don't add to it - and don't mention Emo! that's just goth-lite, for those too chicken to go the whole hog!

I dabbled with being a goth way back in the days when it was new. I admit it I used to wear make up, a lot! But of course in those days I was a snake hipped youth, whose enviable dancing skills were seen on TV weekly (that is actually true!)I was a shapeless 16 year old who only found himself when Sixth form beckoned. I went from New wave suit wearer to Mod, to serious New Romantic, to a flat topped sub Morrissey, to a bequiffed suit wearer in the late 80's. Heaven knows , how I would describe my personal style these days, I so rarely get a chance to express it - dream on, Sweet baby James (did I tell you my first name is James? middle name William ?)

“Youth is when you blame all your troubles on your parents; maturity is when you learn that everything is the fault of the younger generation”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The trouble is that there doesnt appear to be any discernable style available for adults. It all feels too grown up (?) ...i still hanker back to the days of madonna in the early eighties (used to love the lots of earrings and lace look), or the Rockabilly look i used to have in the very early eighties. We all used to dress up so much then, whichever style you were into, it was all about the image, whereas now its all about the technology.....GOD i sound old !!

My Leopardskin coat is my single dressing up vice now...those and my sparkly shoes of course