Strangely my profile was totally messed up. So I've spent the best part of the day getting it back to an approximation of what it was. I still can't shift those ugly details and blog boxes despite trying numerous HTML codes and work arounds, so instead I stuck an enormous apology there to remind visitors of it's former glory (I was really happy with it reader!)
Oh - that means I didn't get any sleep - how pathetic eh?
“To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist now.” - Samuel Beckett
"I was sad, etc."...besides being frugal, you're also practical, shrewd and utterly observant to the nth degree. I hope he whacked you with his brolly for being so very forward...
Hey I didn't say that , the brilliant Steven Wright did!!
ooh an argument, nearly !
and you cant have prepartoray sleep!!
or maybe thats just cos i'm all slept up
Have a non too traumatic shift
"Welcome to Billy's Funhouse"...maybe that should be your blog banner. Oh so Steven Wright said that! I hope he didn't mean it, otherwise I should have no other choice but to whack HIM with MY brolly and then relegate him to your care...(might make your shift a little more interesting/bearable).
p.s.to chilli...me, argue? Bah! He hasn't stepped on MY toes as yet, so no fireworks display today. Sorry.
Hmmm... Interesting.
Being Dead I get all the sleep you could want, ha ha ha!!!
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