Don't be too flattered by the personal post
windwhisperer! I really have nothing better to do! (well I could be doing some housework I suppose). Your music
recommendation is excellent - Planet Claire was one of the first 12" Singles I ever bought (oh I used to love a good dance mix). Closer to home, Claire was also the name (and still is as far as I know) of my long unrequited love. I still cannot listen to Garbage (as she looked like a 5'1" version of Shirley Manson -
probably still does) without thinking of her (
and The Beatles, The Doors, ABBA, Meatloaf, Elvis, Beach Boys, Dusty... OK just imagine a
really long list here, you get the joke).
“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.” - Charlie Brown
1 comment:
You're too much!! I love the B52's too...I saw them live in the early '80's and they were really something. I haven't come across a band that can reproduce that sound their earlier material has...it's totally signature. Wow you seem totally hung-up on a redhead of some description...(sorry if I inadvertently reminded you of something you are trying to forget?)
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