Saturday 28 April 2007

Headlights on the parade

It's nearly 3am, we are very busy, I'm having my meal break and I'm listening to The Blue Nile on my ipod. The first three I could just about manage but when the Blue Nile came up on shuffle, I nearly lost it. I don't know if you are familiar with their music ( you should be!) but there is such an earnest forlorn yearning in most of their songs, and Paul Buchanan's voice is so sad, and frankly heart wrenching. I used to especially enjoy their music on a dark and wet night, on my old walkman - sometimes it feels so good to feel so sad. - Anyway It now feels like I'm the only person awake in the world, locked away in the sisters office, the only illumination the x-ray box!
Alone and forlorn ain't I a cheery little blighter!

(this picture is really inappropriate, but I don't have access to my picture collection at work, and I had this spare on photobucket)

"Ok buddy, uh, I was just tryin' to cheer us up, so go ahead. Put on some old sad bastard music, see if I care." - Barry (Jack Black) in "high fidelity"

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