Boy! I'm so antsy! I've been deaf in my left ear for around a week (nothing serious - just a lot of wax) and it's really getting on my nerves. It's not only a loss of hearing, and stabbing pain, but a kind of er...well 'pressure' in me head (I know I'm pathetic). I've had tinnitus in my left ear for years now, and since wax is a known cause, it's even worse than usual - and when combined with my insomnia (obviously worse with a thick head and cathedral bells), and usual sunny demeanour, it all means Billy is not a happy boy.
As Feargal Sharkey so brilliantly said "I need excitement, oh I need it bad". (can you see a theme developing?).
In other news - It's payday (hurrah), which is good as I've broken one of my own commandments again and bought a load of DVDs (2nd hand, dear reader) I'm addicted, If I like a film I like to get the DVD (eventually) same goes for some TV shows , as I can't imagine ever watching Lost or House MD more than once, but Father Ted, The Likely Lads, Black Books, Buffy, Angel, Seinfeld, and so on, get repeated viewing - I'm rambling aren't I?
Happy 40th Birthday to my avid reader Chili ! ( I was tempted, but I won't depress you with the non-story of my very own 40th - yet! )
Thursday is my wine night (only when I'm off on Friday mind you) so expect some vaguely misanthropic, and wistful ranting later!
"I was once walking through the forest alone. A tree fell right in front of me -- and I didn't hear it" - Steven Wright (and title)
Amusingly, if you translate this post to German (which you obviously would do straight away!) "Chili" becomes "paprika". I would've thought it would stay the same word - well I never.
- Well back to the weird stuff.
Hey Billy...did you see that amazing performance on American Idol between Celine Dion and a holographic? Elvis Presley. You can either check it out on my blog or here...
windwhisperer - no offence to you or your great nation, but why would I watch Celine Dion when there are rusty knitting needles that I could be inserting into my eye sockets.
Also I have never watched one second of so called "reality" TV, I find that there is enough reality outside my front door.
Well today is very much a non story too :-( still got loads of work to do ..could be a late one myself
Oh and i think i'd prefer that Celine Dion was the hologram and we had Elvis back with us !
Amen Sista!!!!
I'm dead - I don't want that warbling Canadian round these parts!
Billy! That's so mean! Still, this illusion is really neat, I wonder how they did it to appear so seamless...
Ok it was technically brilliant, but they should have replaced Celine with Mama Cass, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon.... etc etc
(and none of them actually recorded that song, as far as I know)
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