Saturday 10 February 2007

All you need is Love...

It poured on the way to work today. Consequently I was about to write how I loved rainy days ( so nothing like Karen Carpenter then). Then I actually began to think about the word "love" and realised its one I bandy about too much.

"I love this movie"
"I love this song"

I have been in love twice in my life. Once was twenty years ago, and the second very very recently. Love can make you feel desolate, but it can also lift you above all your everyday worries, until you are filled with so much joy, that everything you do and say seems magical and er...well you just feel so damn good!

Love to me means you think of that person as soon as you open your eyes of a morning, and they are on your thoughts last thing at night ( of course there are dreams to consider in between). Everything you do is with that person in mind, everything you say is with them in mind, the thought of them makes you smile , and the anticipation of them makes your pulse race, and your heart leap in your chest.
If I died tonight I could be content that I'd felt like that twice!

My two favourite quotes regarding Love :

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy - Nat "King" Cole

"And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make..."
The End - the Beatles

If you think about it , they both essentially mean the same.

What's brought all this on?

Well it's Valentines Day next week isn't it? I usually hate that day. It makes us singletons feel more single, and us lonely 'uns feel lonelier. I have never had a Valentines Card.
However I was this close:
to sending a card this year. My glue and scissors were prepared, my printer was revved up, and I'd begun to think about designs, but ...

Anyway as a great man once said,
be young....

be foolish....

be lucky in love!

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