Saturday 10 February 2007

Are you ready boots?

If there was ever a fella at more of a loose end than me, it must have fallen off and rolled under the sofa by now. There's so much I could be doing, and one day all that decorating, DIY and other stuff may get done. But man does not live by bread alone (actually he could literally and figuratively - but that's another story) maybe I need a hobby, one that involves the real world and people.

I finally figured out how to get my Ipod to communicate with LastFM. Now all the melancholy tunes I listen to on the trip to work can add to my track count. Music is the thing that keeps me sane. I cannot abide silence due to tinnitus, and it's been so long now that my free time has not had a soundtrack that it's absence makes me feel uneasy. Plus I'm addicted to lastfm - must... play... more... tracks!... (must be read ala Shatner)

Anyway here's one of may favourite songs,combined with a fantastic clip (can you see a pattern developing in my musical choices? isn't YouTube sublime, it can even cheer me up - for a moment)

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