Thursday 15 February 2007

We can work it out

That's enough!
I refuse to spend more than two hours learning stuff. You can teach an old dog new tricks, but it must be done slowly.
What on earth am I talking about? Why the mystery that is Myspace of course. I have been convinced that the time and effort will be worth it, but the frustration of changing one little html tag and seeing the whole page disappear has me beat - for now! (laughs maniacally!!)

I've been promised some help - but I didn't want to look completely useless, so for about the fifth time I've fiddled with tags, and colour codes, and for about the fifth time given up, but slightly wiser.

The whole philosophy of myspace is admirable and lords knows I need a social network of some kind. However looking back over my life I tend to avoid things, if I'm at all expecting a negative outcome, and it's cost me several times. So much as I fear that my pariah status will be confirmed, I'd better persevere.

What we need is a funny picture,

here's a little dog in a Beatles wig -

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