It's been a bummer of a day , work was well... awful! but details are not required, I'll remember.
Emotionally I'm empty. I don't feel happy, I don't feel sad, in fact I feel numb. That feeling of dread I had last week just won't go away. In fact tonight it's worse than ever. At least I've got an inkling as to what's making it worse now.
You know I don't know why I even bother with this blog any more, I'm tempted to scrap it ! but it can be quite cathartic. Occasionally I'll re-read it and remember just how good (or bad) I felt at that moment. I bore myself sometimes with all this introspection.
Damn it , I'm trying to think of anything to say that doesn't involve me and I can't. Why don't I just be sarcastic about chav's or moan about some little equality?
I'm going to bed early, pull the quilt over me, and hope the world looks a little better at 6.15am ( .... somehow I doubt it will!)
(If you recognise that quote - you know even more crap than me)

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