Thursday 1 February 2007

The Future

Well , now I'm moping again. A whole day off and what was the highlight? nothing really. I've been reading a book (which in itself is amazing) and it's made me question a few things.
Now now let me get serious for a second! The book has made me question a few things about my life, it is pretty directionless ( yes since my divorce etc etc blah blah blah ) I have just about enough ability to manage in my job (it is quite demanding but I can manage, but I have zero ambition, and I know that the rewards are not worth the extra burden of responsibility - plus I like to maintain my friend to all persona - management is not for me) anyway I'm wandering. Purpose yes, I used to seek solace in things, but things are just things after all. This nameless book has made me realise I need some sort of direction, and that I am dwelling on the past far too much (something I was already far too aware of - I spend most of my time in some sort of reflection) It's probably just the time talking ( it's about 2.30am) , and I'm listening to cheery Leonard Cohen - hence the title of the post .

Maybe the dread from earlier in the week was this all along, my cold never developed beyond a few sneezes thankfully - boy I really am rambling - to bed NOW! ( I promise some fun stuff next time - probably)

BTW this fine picture, although tenuously representing the future, is just to lift an otherwise thoroughly depressing posting!

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