Friday 13 April 2007

"Strung out in heaven's high, hitting an all-time low"

Must get out of rut (Actually more trench than a rut)

Hey a new reader! Welcome !

I really have nothing much to say today, but I like to try and post daily, so my mind doesn't lock up.

Actually let me share a few thoughts with you about the Life on Mars Finale :

There are several interpretations it seems. My own favourite theory is that Sam never woke up at all, hence his lack of pain when he cut his finger. That would mean his leap from the roof was a way of jarring his mind back to 1973, much as in the first season he threatened to jump from the same roof, to get his mind back to 2006. Maybe he briefy woke up in 2007, and slipped back into the coma, as the sequence where he was suddenly dressed and leaving "Hyde" ward was a little dream like. Some have said that he really did jump and die, and that the remaining four minutes of the show was the four minutes in which Brain death occurs - hence the radio message, and test card girl turning of the TV (life support?) - anyway this debate is the sign of good TV, the last episode of The Prisoner still provokes such debate 40 years on.

Upon reflection though, Sam must have really got back to 2007, just so he could leave his tapes as a set up for the spin-off show next year. Whilst the thought of Gene in 1981 and Ray with a perm (so I read) sounds hilarious, the transparent and clumsy way of justifying it ( Sassy Female DCI reads Sam's transcripts, ends up in a coma AS WELL! and gets stuck in 1981) I'm sure that once we forget this crazy set up the show will be a joy. (apparently the new shows "iconic" car will be that boy racers dream - the Audi Quattro, I seem to remember the 80's version looked like a cereal box with alloy wheels - oh look I found a picture)

and please read this marvellous article about Gene Hunt (the real star of the show) :

"Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy.
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?" - David Bowie

One final thought - isn't Liz White absolutely lovely?


Anonymous said...

Hi Billy, I can hear the lyric bit to Bowie's song in my head but I can't remember the title of the song...and now I've got that nasty little sound byte in my head floating around without a context...thanks. I feel like Major Tom, or Daisy or like I should be of a higher consciousness. But right now, I'm just happy to have Friday the 13th out of the way...thanks for stopping by...

Anonymous said...

One year later, I agree with you.
She´s an angel
(and your blog pretty cool, dude)
Cheers from Spain, Al