Thursday 24 May 2007

Shake Your Groove Thing

My ... broadband .... connection ..... is ....... painfully...........slow!

Really come on Virgin "so called" Media, get your collective fingers out!

Random thoughts -

Feeling strangely groovy, I just listened to the "Priscilla - Queen of the Desert" Soundtrack. Oh how I love that movie - it's hard to believe that Hugo Weaving went on to become Elrond, Agent Smith and "V" (in V for Vendetta - strangely I watched that on Monday, and against expectations I enjoyed it immensely).

Frustratingly and ironically (see last post) I can't contact, so I may have lost the 100 or so tracks I played today - ho hum.

I just watched "Pillow Talk" (honest I am heterosexual!) and it cheered me no end. What a perfect (though of course entirely fictitious) existence that would be!

All this disco music is making me yearn for my dancing days, I wonder if I still have the moves.....

(time passes - disco music plays)

.... apparently I have - chuckle!

(I prefer this to the original)

"You know how it feels when you're leaning back on a chair, and you lean too far back, and you almost fall over backwards, but then you catch yourself at the last second? I feel like that all the time." - Steven Wright

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