Really come on Virgin "so called" Media, get your collective fingers out!
Random thoughts -
Feeling strangely groovy, I just listened to the "Priscilla - Queen of the Desert" Soundtrack. Oh how I love that movie - it's hard to believe that Hugo Weaving went on to become Elrond, Agent Smith and "V" (in V for Vendetta - strangely I watched that on Monday, and against expectations I enjoyed it immensely).
Frustratingly and ironically (see last post) I can't contact last.fm, so I may have lost the 100 or so tracks I played today - ho hum.
I just watched "Pillow Talk" (honest I am heterosexual!) and it cheered me no end. What a perfect (though of course entirely fictitious) existence that would be!
All this disco music is making me yearn for my dancing days, I wonder if I still have the moves.....
(time passes - disco music plays)
.... apparently I have - chuckle!
(I prefer this to the original)
"You know how it feels when you're leaning back on a chair, and you lean too far back, and you almost fall over backwards, but then you catch yourself at the last second? I feel like that all the time." - Steven Wright

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