Wednesday 9 May 2007

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done."

Brothers and Sisters, today I want to talk about hair! (no not the hippie musical). Who amongst us hasn't been through a whole range of "do's" in their days? My current "style" is an amorphous blob, an outgrowth of the bad haircut I had about three months ago, which in turn was an outgrowth of the previous bad haircut. A month or so after a haircut I find my hair reaches a key stage, where I actually quite like it, and I know the next chop will ruin it. Do you ever look in the mirror and think "my hair looks quite good", but the very next day it looks like Arthur Scargill in a high wind? Today is definitely a bad hair day, I look like a 70's ad for Falcon Hairspray for men (I feel the compelling urge to don crimpolene flares!). Luckily we live in a truly eclectic age, so me alternating between aging pseudo sixties groovster (or at least an approximation) and Jason King alike, can be equally scoffed / ignored (delete as applicable).

I'm rambling!

(terrible trailer - great film)

It's early, so I haven't had time not to do anything, which I can subsequently fret about not doing, so I'm off to not do that now - bye!

“We live not according to reason, but according to fashion” - Seneca (he said this nearly 2000 years ago - nothing changes - eh?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Hairspray, I was a huge Divine fan...saw him at Tiffanys years and years and years ago ...absolutely brilliant.