Monday 14 May 2007

“If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around”

Monday morning - grey, cold, and wet, and that's just me!
Yesterday at work was absolutely dreadful. Busy, understaffed and under-equipped (someone forgot to order any stores last week - naughty!)

Just got in from shopping, very disappointingly no cheap DVDs were found. Bricks and mortar stores are so damned expensive, I was picking up discs that I knew I could find for nearly half price, on-line, there is something about the immediacy of shops that's more satisfying than the postman (ooo-err!) , nevertheless - I resisted. Town centres at 9am on a Monday morning are so refreshingly devoid of the usual human tidal wave of gold jewelery and leisure wear. It reminds me of Ben Kenobi's famous line "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy - We must be cautious"

I also had my tri-monthly haircut,and amazingly only a minor disaster this time, I didn't come out crying, or looking quite as medieval as usual!


“Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.” - Cowboy saying (actually applies to a lot of professions!!)

(For nearly 30 years I thought it was funkiest monkey not punkiest monkey! - appears to be from some kind of Japanese Pebble Mill at one ! )

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