Thursday 31 May 2007

Belle de jour!

Fanboy alert :

That title was a joke, I certainly haven't had a beautiful day, although it was rather sunny, but the sun rarely reaches me here.

One thing I did enjoy today is the new Garbage song "tell me where it hurts". It's been circulating on the Internet for a few weeks, but at last a semi-decent copy has shown up on youtube (of course I've got a better one saved to disc!).
Shirley Manson has always idolised Chrissie Hynde, ("special" even used Pretenders lyrics, with permission of course). The new Garbage single is perhaps the best song the Pretenders never recorded (no it's not a cover, I was being sarcastic) but of course in my world, blessed Shirley can do no wrong. It really is a great pop song though.
The video has a few other "interesting" points. I finally get to see Shirley Manson in full Sixties "Dolly Bird" mode (swoons) plus she spends a lot of time in her underwear!

The video appears to be an "homage" (ie blatant rip off) to "Belle de Jour" the 1967 (my dream year) Catherine Deneuve film, in which she plays a bored housewife who turns to prostitution for kicks.
Did I mention she spends a lot of time in her underwear?

Of course I must mention that Shirley Manson will be 41 in about 8 weeks, but continues to look increasingly fabulous, (albeit slightly more gaunt than usual) she looks gorgeous though, still fabulously pale (despite living in Los Angeles now) and is it possible for her hair to be any redder? (I must stop now I'm sounding like a drooling idiot - when did you not?) - did I mention she spends a lot of time in her underwear? Oh I did?

"I am not a sexy woman, I'm not beautiful, I'm not a sex kitten, I don't flirt with people, yet I've been tagged more of sex symbol than women who truly are and I that's solely because I don't reveal too much: people are curious." - Shirley Manson (this quote dates back quite a few years, when she was in serious "Rock Chick" mode, I shall let you decide if she still feels that way)

End of Fanboy Alert

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