Thursday 24 May 2007

"Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle"

Meanwhile, across town...

Without pain, we cannot appreciate the absence of pain. Without noise, silence goes unloved (I should know - since my tinnitus started, I yearn for a bit of silence) - what's my point? well on my days off I was bored, yet the first thing I thought of during my absolutely dreadful shift today was "think of all the things I could be doing if I was off!" So without work, I couldn't appreciate my time off. Makes you feel almost sorry for the Idle rich!

I need a holiday - I don't mean just time off work! I need a change of scenery, It's now four years since I was on a proper holiday, and although I don't think I'll ever get to San Francisco again, I think I could stretch to maybe a city break or summat! The exciting life style of the middle aged nurse eh? Hugh Hefner eat your heart out!!

I am so stressed!

(I love Mike Nesmith's solo stuff - I fondly remembering watching this on Ch4 in the 80's, I even have the "Elephant Parts" show on VHS, and if it's ever released on DVD I'll probably buy that too.)

“When the boss is away, work becomes a holiday.” - Portugese proverb - (Not on my Ward it doesn't!)

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