Tuesday 8 May 2007

“It's hard to dance if you just lost your wallet. Whoa! Where's my wallet? But, hey this song is funky...”

I've just watched "full metal jacket", hence the video (caution bad language!). Why do I mention this? Well the last time I saw it (a looooong time ago kiddies) I found it brutal, cruel and upsetting. This time I enjoyed it, but purely as entertainment. Am I now desensitised to the horrors of war after 20 years of movie viewing, or am I now wise and sage in my old age? - hell knows!

I do hope BBC4 gets around to showing the "Tara King" episodes of The Avengers. I haven't seen them since I was very wee, but Linda Thorson was so pretty,and unlike Diana Rigg - cute, and so sixties "dollybird". She had a brief singing career too (a CD is available which is half Thorson, half Twiggy - doesn't get more sixties than that) Her voice was slightly thin, like Twiggy's, but charming in that bubblegum sixties girl way (I've got a couple of tracks somewhere) - celebrity can carry an average voice a long way however!

Anyway I'm off to buy some DVDs (second hand of course!)

“I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.” - Mitch Hedburg (and title quote)

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