Friday 18 May 2007

"How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?"

When I left work today it was not only with a sense of relief, but I actually felt like I'd done a good job , for once. Oh well.

I've just watched a strange film "Girl on a Motorcycle" With Marianne Faithful and Alain Delon. What a fabulous sixties pairing. The film was little known to me, but I bought it on the strength of it's lurid cover, and groovy heritage. I'd always thought of Marianne Faithful in terms of the croaky voiced grand dame she now presents to the world, but despite the (for the time) explicit subject matter, she comes across as a fresh faced, irresistible ingenue. I shall now add her to my list of groovy sixties chicks!

The film was directed by Jack Cardiff, who is best known as a cinematographer on those fabulous Powell and Pressburger movies, including one of my top 10 - "A Matter of Life and Death". The subject matter here is a little less timeless, but smacks of 1968 so much , it hurts.

These three videos are simply fantastic, If I do say so myself :

Brian Epstein wasn't exactly a natural TV personality was he?

"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive, and all the impersonators would be dead." - Steven Wright

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