Thursday 10 May 2007

"Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories!"

A quick post before bed. Long shift tomorrow, So I probably won't be awake enough to post anything (actually for anyone who's read my earliest posts, my insomnia has only been a minor inconvenience the last couple of weeks - what's going on there eh?).

Nothing to say really.

Actually on second thoughts - isn't it amusing how "bloggers" and "myspacers" seem to constantly worry about appearing cool? (at least in their own terms). "Retro" is often an excuse to look back at things that were cheesy or naff at the time but you secretly enjoyed. Now you can be all post-modern and ironic about your love of say, Thundercats (and I was 20 at the time!). I suppose nostalgia really is an attempt to re-capture the cosiness of a childhood state, or as in my love of the sixties, someone elses. Do you think my counterpart in 1967 was saying to his pals "I'd love to live in 1927!" - actually since that was the year of the general strike and the Jarrow March, probably not.

I love ABBA and I'm not too cool to say it (well at least not in this anonymous blog - coward!)
Here's a nice video with just the girls (of course I always fancied Frida !), and since I was just talking about High NRG another uncool video (surely Gloria was the inspiration for "Disco 2000" by Pulp???)

“It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what's cool.” - Bill Watterson (Author of the fabulous Calvin and Hobbes strip)

(did you spot the subliminal message hidden in this post !)

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