Wednesday 23 May 2007

"The speed of time is one second per second"

Well as George said on Monday - nothing much happened (of course he was being sarcastic).

I didn't even leave the house yesterday, I do hope I'm not developing agoraphobia (don't worry it was simply sloth not a fear of marketplaces!) I did listen to an awful lot of music however. My homepage is my page, and some of my "neighbours" there listen to ridiculous amounts of songs - teenagers eh? but seriously how can they be listening to 200 tracks a day? (for those who don't know is like a kind of myspace meets "top of the pops", but without the Bruno Brookes chart rundown thankfully. Tracks I play on my computer/Ipod appear on an ever growing "chart" and people of similar tastes appear as neighbours - it's all quite delightful really, see the link somewhere on this page.) Anyway enough of the commercials.

My Daughter has just finished hers "sats" (another American import!) and this week it's like a weight has been lifted off her. Isn't childhood stressful enough without exams at 7 and 11. It seems that she has to put more effort into learning "stuff" that might appear on the test, than actually learning the abilities of learning and synthesising the information, which is really more important, isn't it?

One of my (many) pet hates, is the erosion of childhood. It's not simply nostalgia, but when I was 11, I was still very much a child and concerned with childish things. There's plenty of time to be grown-up, in fact the booming nostalgia/retro market shows that many of us long to return to those times, albeit only in the mind (eh Sam Tyler?). It's not simply the proliferation of technology, although that may fuel it, but to get back to my original point (if indeed there was one) the Sats are a bad idea - She says that now they are over, they are just "messing about" at school - QED!

Time for some light relief - 70's nostalgia :

"When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving." - Steven Wright

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