Saturday 19 May 2007

"I have an inferiority complex. But it's not a very good one."

Well, despite my trivialness (is that even a word?) of recent days, today I am back to the old school miserable Billy of old. If I can be serious for a moment (can I?) - this is the worst I've felt for ages (lonely, lonely, bored and lonely - with a smidgen of depression, and the prospect of rain), though I can't see a particular trigger - ho hum. There was a very unpleasant incident at work today, but for confidentiality reasons I can't really say anything. I haven't seen my daughter for days, I've worked earlies all week, I haven't spoken to another adult for days (outside of work obviously - I don't do all my nursing in mime), I suppose I'm just feeling really sorry for myself. (if there's anyone reading this - indulge an old fool for a minute, next time I promise frivolity and flippancy).

In one amusing moment today, we discovered a coat and a box of ferrero rocher left behind days ago by a patient. We don't get many sweets as we are an admissions unit, so we guiltily scoffed the lot. Needless to say an hour or so later, someone came looking for the coat. We sweated collectively for a moment, but we were safe, they didn't know about the sweets. It only needed some comedy music to be perfect.

I've decided what I need is Romance. Now where does one go to find it these days?

“Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.” - Oscar Wilde


Anonymous said...

Pull yourself together man!

Anonymous said...

You need to leave the house for a start :-P

You pretty much know my theories, but for what they're worth, i'm goingto say them again.

its a viscious circle, not seeing people saps your confidence that you will ever find anyone, which in turn when you do meet someone gives off that air of no confidence, which makes us just look past you.

you need to work out what your ideal woman is...then believe she is out there, and of course being the ideal woman, she will hang on your every word, making you feel like the wittiest person in the world.

Once you believe that such a person is out there ...which given the millions of people in the world, its a bit of a self indulgance to assume that you are so special that there ISNT a person like that....then you are halfway there. (and you know i think that person is already out there)

Oh if only they still did that program "Would like to meet" i'd nominate you like a shot !!

Maybe we just need to have a virtual version of it ! and make you a special project for your friends....all those female names on your myspace account ....if you sent a bulletin around asking for their help, i'm sure we could between us boost your confidence enough !

Operation Billy some mates ?